Vol. 14 Núm. 1 (2019)

The figure shows the resulting morphometric characterization of Peixe river watershed derived from different digital elevation models generated from five elevation data sources (three from SRTM 90-meter resolution data and two from 1:100.000 scale topographic maps). Results indicated that SRTM-O, SRTM-TR, and CT-TR provided the incorrect generation of hydrography in the region of the São Franciscana Depression (flat region), observed by the diversion of main river and generation of the mouth in another basin, causing significant errors in the determination of the morphometric characteristics of the basin, mainly in the drainage area and length of the main river. On the other hand, SRTM-TRH and CT-TRH presented excellent performance and are indicated for on-site study.

Source: FICHER, K. N. et al. Assessment of digital elevation models to obtain morphometric characteristics in relief transition region. Rev. Ambient. Água, Taubaté, vol. 14 n. 1, p. 1-14, 2019. doi:10.4136/ambi-agua.2280

Publicado: 02/01/2019
