Quantification study of Azithromycin drugs in soil, by the infrared technique with Fourier Transform (IFTR)

  • Amanda Carvalho Miranda Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE), São Paulo, SP, Brasil Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.
  • Rogerio Bonette Klepa Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE), São Paulo, SP, Brasil Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.
  • Thiago Michel Brito de Farias Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Diadema, SP, Brasil Departamento de Diagnóstico por Imagem (EPM).
  • José Carlos Curvelo Santana Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, SP, Brasil Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Química.
Palabras clave: antibiotic discard, environment, Infrared Fourier Transform.


Some classes of drugs represent greater criticality as environmental contamination; antibiotics in general represent the most potent contaminants and cause greater damage to the environment. The purpose of this work is to quantify the percentage of soil contamination by Azithromycin in presentations of 500 mg, through the application of Infrared Spectroscopy with Fourier Transform. It was verified that the drug exerts significant impacts to the environment, even in the characteristic of micropollutant, and that its extraction when performed with Pure Acetonitrile allows its residues in soil samples to be satisfactorily quantified.
