Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in Oncorhynchus mykiss for export at production centers in the Peruvian Central Highlands

  • Fernán Cosme Chanamé Zapata Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú (UNCP), Huancayo, Junín, Perú. Facultad de Zootecnia
  • María Custodio Villanueva Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú (UNCP), Huancayo, Junín, Perú. Facultad de Zootecnia
  • Rafael Antonio Pantoja Esquivel Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú (UNCP), Huancayo, Junín, Perú. Facultad de Zootecnia
  • Ide Gelmore Unchupaico Payano Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú (UNCP), Huancayo, Junín, Perú. Facultad de Zootecnia
Palabras clave: atomic absorption spectrophotometry, bioaccumulation, heavy metals, trout


The bioaccumulation of the heavy metals Cu, Zn, Fe and Pb was determined in the livers, kidneys and muscles of Oncorhynchus mykiss trout at seven production centers in the province of Yauli, Junín-Peru. The determination and quantification of total heavy metals in water samples collected monthly from the production sites and in 28 trout that averaged 250 g and 27 cm was performed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, according to the methodology recommended by FAO. Levels of Zn, Fe and Pb were found to exceed the environmental quality standards established by the Peruvian Ministry of the Environment for the rivers of the coast and highlands, as well as the quality standards of the European Union for the cultivation of trout, while levels of Cu conformed with those standards. Concentration of Cu, Zn, Fe and Pb in the livers, kidneys and muscles exceeded the maximum permissible limits established by the European Union for fish meat and by the Mexican official standard, NOM-027-SSA1-1993, for fresh, refrigerated and frozen fishery products, in the case of Pb. The correlation between the concentrations of copper, zinc, iron and lead in the water and the concentrations of these metals in the livers, kidneys and muscles is low and not significant, except for copper, which had a significant correlation.
