Influência de características físico-químicas da água no transporte de metano para a atmosfera na Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, RJ (doi:10.4136/ambi-agua.972)

  • Lia Braz Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE
  • Willian José Ferreira Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE
  • Marcelo Gomes da Silva Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE
  • Plínio Carlos Alvalá Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE
  • Luciano Marani Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE
  • Getulio Teixeira Batista Universidade de Taubaté
  • Valiya Mannathal Hamza Observatório Nacional
Palavras-chave: Efeito estufa, gases traços, limnologia


O acúmulo e a decomposição de matéria orgânica em corpos d’água pode incrementar o potencial de emissão de gases de efeito estufa à atmosfera. Neste trabalho, de modo prospectivo e exploratório, foi avaliada a relação entre características físico-químicas da água e o transporte de metano para a atmosfera na Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, RJ, em dias típicos de verão fluminense. Em campanhas realizadas em 2011, foram coletadas 200 amostras para análise da emissão superficial do metano e 30 amostras de água para se verificar a dissolução do gás na coluna d’água, medindo simultaneamente os parâmetros físico-químicos ao longo desta coluna. As medidas de fluxo de metano evidenciaram que a Lagoa é fonte emissora do gás para a atmosfera, com fluxo médio de 33 ± 10 mgCH4m-2d-1. Na avaliação de como alguns parâmetros limnológicos poderiam influenciar as emissões, observou-se que a altura da lâmina d’água e a temperatura foram os fatores de maior influência nesse processo. A análise do perfil de metano na coluna d’água sugere a existência de uma maior concentração do gás na região dos estratos sedimentares do fundo da lagoa. No entanto, esse metano não chega à superfície, possivelmente, devido à diminuição da taxa de difusão vertical do metano em função do aumento da pressão com a profundidade e também devido à presença de bactérias metanotróficas, que consomem o metano ao longo da coluna d’água.

Biografia do Autor

Lia Braz, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE
Graduada em Engenharia Ambiental e Sanitária pela Universidade de Taubaté. Atualmente é bolsista do Programa de Capacitação Institucional – PCI do CNPq no Laboratório Associado de Estudos em Biogeoquímica Ambiental do INPE, participando de estudos relacionados à química e física na atmosfera.
Willian José Ferreira, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE
Graduado em Física pela Faculdade de Engenharia de Guaratinguetá (UNESP), obteve o título de Mestre em Ciências Ambientais pela Universidade de Taubaté em 2011. Desde 2002 atua como técnico no Laboratório Associado de Estudos em Biogeoquímica Ambiental do INPE, onde sua principal atividade está relacionada à pesquisa da química e da física na atmosfera.
Marcelo Gomes da Silva, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE
Graduated in Agronomic Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1998) and a Masters in Space Geophysics National Institute for Space Research (2010). He has experience in Geosciences with an emphasis in Atmospheric Chemistry
Plínio Carlos Alvalá, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE
Graduated in Physics from the Catholic University of São Paulo (1985), Master of Space Geophysics National Institute for Space Research (1990) and Ph.D. in Geophysics Space by the National Institute for Space Research (1995). During the Master developed research related to propagation of VLF waves in the Antarctic region, attending the first winter expedition in Antarctic Station Comte. Ferraz. In doctoral theme was the study of methane emission in the region of the Pantanal of Mato Grosso. He is currently a senior researcher at the National Institute for Space Research, developing research involving greenhouse gases, atmospheric chemistry, biogeochemical cycles, particularly methane, nitrous oxide and carbon. It also develops projects related to biomass burning and urban pollution, the production of ozone and its precursors. Conducts research using various platforms with embedded devices on aircraft, balloons and fixed stations. It is responsible for Ozone Laboratory are also developed where research on UV radiation and ozone.
Luciano Marani, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE
Graduated in Physics from the State University of Londrina (2000) and a Masters in Space Geophysics National Institute for Space Research (2003). He completed his PhD in Geophysics Space at the National Institute for Space Research in February 2007. He has experience in Geosciences, with emphasis on Space Geophysics, acting on the following topics: greenhouse, wetlands, methane, tropospheric ozone and CFCs.
Getulio Teixeira Batista, Universidade de Taubaté
he holds a doctorate in agronomy / Remote Sensing - Purdue University, USA, in 1981. He is currently a Professor and Researcher at the University of Taubaté. Received 4 awards and / or honors. Participates than 10 research projects, with 4 of these coordinates. Works in the area of ​​Forest Resources and Forest Engineering, with emphasis on Watershed Conservation. In their professional activities interacted with 389 employees in co-authorship of scientific papers. In your resume Lattes the most frequent terms in the context of scientific, technological and artistic-cultural are: Remote Sensing, GIS, Vegetation Index, Remote Sensing Applications, Land Use, Spectral Mixture Model, Remote Sensing Techniques and classification Land Use. Principal researcher was International Program EOS (Earth Observing System) NASA (Goddard Space Flight Center), where he worked from 1990 to 1992. He was until July 2008 a member of the Advisory Committee of Forest Resources CNPq, is Founder and Editor of the journal Environment and Water - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science (ISSN 1980-993X). Editor's Electronic Repository of the University of Agricultural Sciences Taubaté ( and President of the Institute of Environmental Research in Watershed (IPABHi) ( Coordinated the First and Second Seminar on Water Resources of the Basin of the Paraíba do Sul (SERHIDRO PS-2007 and PS-SERHIDRO 2009) with support from CNPq, CAPES and FAPESP. He is a member of the Association of Science Editors (ABEC) and Fellow of CNPq PQ.
Valiya Mannathal Hamza, Observatório Nacional
Graduated in Physics - University of Kerala (1962), MA in Applied Physics - University of Kerala (1964) and Ph.D. in Geophysics - University of Western Ontario (1973). Had role as Professor of IAG-USP, Researcher at IPT, Secretary of the International Heat Flow - IHFC and Executive Committee member of the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior - IASPEI. He is currently Full Professor of the National Observatory. Elected in 2007 as the South American representative to the International Heat Flow IHFC. He has extensive experience in Geosciences, especially in the areas of Geothermal Heat and Flow, mainly in the following sectors: heat flow, geothermal, geothermal resources, Tectonophysics, recent climate changes, environmental geophysics, seismicity, thermal properties of geological materials, higher education. Taught over 30 postgraduate courses in Geophysics.