Characterization of water quality parameters of the reservoir Utinga, Belém, PA, Brazil

  • Vanilda Magalhães Martins Vasconcelos UNITAU
  • Claudinei Fonseca Souza Universidade Federal de São Carlos - CCA/UFSCar


This study focused on the characterization of physical, chemical and biological water quality of the Fountain of Utinga, which includes the river Guamá, Água Preta Lake and Bolonha Lake, located in the State Water Complex called Utinga. The study area comprises the Lakes Água Preta and Bolonha that have natural springs, but 90% of the water of these lakes are up-taken from the river Guamá to the Água Preta Lake and then through a pipeline to Bolonha Lake, where it is treated in the Bolonha station. Results showed a relationship between the increase in population and the production of untreated sewage released into bodies of water, and as a consequence, significant deterioration in physical variables such as: color and turbidity, and in the biological variable coliform and chemical variables including N-ammonia and nitrate as compared with the CONAMA resolution 357 standards. The results showed that the population that lives in the vicinity of the reservoir Utinga nearby Bolonha lacks adequate sanitation systems (garbage collection and sewage treatment).

Biografía del autor/a

Vanilda Magalhães Martins Vasconcelos, UNITAU
Mestranda no Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências Ambientais da Universidade de Taubaté.
Claudinei Fonseca Souza, Universidade Federal de São Carlos - CCA/UFSCar
Ptualmente trabalha no Departamento de Recursos Naturais e Proteção Ambiental do Centro de Ciências Agrárias da UFSCar. Professor adjunto nas disciplinas de Hidrologia Ambiental e Manejo de bacias Hidrográficas.