Land cover change and environmental quality assessment using GIS techniques - a case study in Brazilian Southeastern region for the period 1988 - 20031 (doi:10.4136/ambi-agua.135)

  • Alexandre Marco da Silva UNESP
Palabras clave: land cover change, habitat quality assessment, biodiversity, landscape ecology


A close relation exists between the land cover situation and the environmental conditions of local wildlife species. This paper aimed to analyze the alterations of the land cover in two periods (1988 / 1995 and 1995 / 2003) regarding changes or persistence of the each land cover class and habitat assessment (establishment of categories of habitat quality) for a place in Brazilian Southeastern region. The study was carried out using digital land cover maps of the study area. Using a routine of GIS software, data were analyzed and the thematic maps generated. The data indicates that the region presented a dynamic land cover change, where almost a half of the study area presented changing in the land cover during the studied period. Major portion of the study area (~80%) was considered unsuitable for wildlife species establishment. It is urgent the necessity for a territorial reorganization in some regions aiming the construction of a biodiversity corridor to avoid a total isolation of the patches classified as primary habitat. The recovery of riparian forests along the rivers could accomplish it.

Biografía del autor/a

Alexandre Marco da Silva, UNESP
Doutorado em Ciências da Engenharia Ambiental pela Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil(1999) Pós-Doutorado pela Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil(2005) Atuação em Ciência do Solo, com ênfase em Manejo e Conservação do Solo Professor / pesquisador da Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho , Brasil