The role of food/microorganism ratio in denitrification reactors: how it affects the sizing and operation of the denitrification process

  • Renato Gavasci Department of Civil Engineering and Computer Science Engineering. Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Via Politecnico 1, 00133, Rome, Italy.
  • Francesco Lombardi Department of Civil Engineering and Computer Science Engineering. Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Via Politecnico 1, 00133, Rome, Italy.
  • Massimo Raboni Department Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering. University of Pavia, Corso Str. Nuova, n° 65, 27100, Pavia, Italy.
Palabras clave: activated sludge, biological process, denitrification, nitrogen removal, sewage treatment


Two calculation models of the Specific Denitrification Rate (SDNR) are analyzed to highlight the sensitivity of this parameter to the Food:Microorganisms ratio in the denitrification reactor (F:MDEN). One of these models is empirical while the second was elaborated on a deterministic basis. Both models reveal a linear dependence of SDNR20°C on F:MDEN and in a first approximation they are comparable only in a narrow range of concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) in denitrification, specifically DO=0.25-0.35 mg L-1. These values frequently occur in well designed and well operated sewage treatment plants. Outside this range, the role of F:MDEN must necessarily be examined in combination with DO because of the relevant influence of the latter on the efficiency of the denitrification process.
