Nutrient concentrations and trophic state of three Andean lakes from Junín, Perú

  • Fernán Chanamé-Zapata Facultad de Zootecnia. Centro de Investigación en Alta Montaña (CIAM). Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú (UNCP), Mariscal Castilla 3909, Huancayo 12006, Perú.
  • María Custodio Facultad de Medicina. Centro de Investigación en Alta Montaña (CIAM). Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú (UNCP), Mariscal Castilla 3909, Huancayo 12006, Perú.
  • Christian Poma-Chávez Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Ingeniería Ambiental. Universidad Alas Peruanas (UAP), Jirón Pedro Ruiz Gallo 251, Pueblo Libre 15084, Perú.
  • Alex Huamán-De La Cruz Instituto de General de Investigación. Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú (UNCP), Mariscal Castilla 3909, Huancayo 12006, Perú. Instituto de Investigación. Universidad Católica Los Angeles de Chimbote (ULADECH), Jirón Tumbes 247, Chimbote 02804, Perú.
Palabras clave: chlorophyll-a, lakes, Perú, total phosphorus, Trophic state index.


The study assessed the trophic state of three lakes used as fish farms in the region of Junín-Peru, under different hydrological conditions. Surface water samples were collected from three points at each lake in 2018 during the rainy (March-April) and dry (June-July) seasons. Total phosphorus, turbidity, and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) were measured. Trophic indexes (TSI Chl-a, and TSI TP) were also computed. The water trophic state categorization was performed by adapting and calculating the Trophic State Index (TSI). The TSI (TP) classified the three lakes in both seasons (rainy and dry) as mesotrophic (30 < TSI 60). Pomacocha and Tipicocha were classified as eutropic (60 < TSI 90) in the two seasons according to TSI (Chl a), while Tranca Grande was classified as mesotrophic (also two seasons). The results for TSI showed a predominance of eutrophic and mesotrophic conditions in all lakes used as fish farms.
