Rapid assessment protocols of rivers as instruments of environmental education in elementary schools

  • Ariane Guimarães Universidade Estadual de Goiás (UEG), Morrinhos, GO, Brasil Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ambiente e Sociedade
  • Aline Sueli de Lima Rodrigues Instituto Federal Goiano (IF Goiano), Urutaí, GO, Brasil Departamento de Ciências Biológicas
  • Guilherme Malafaia Instituto Federal Goiano (IF Goiano), Urutaí, GO, Brasil Departamento de Ciências Biológicas
Palabras clave: environmental education, schools, students, rivers, water resources.


The aim of the present study is to assess the use of rapid assessment protocols (RAPs) of rivers as environmental education (EE) instruments in elementary schools. Therefore, EE activities were proposed to students from a Brazilian public elementary school. The activities included ranged from environmental-monitoring workshops to RAPs adapted to the level of schooling of the students. The students completed questionnaires before and after the activities in order to check their degree of knowledge prior to the activities and to assess the information acquired after participation in the activities. The results established that the RAP provided and/or helped to instill social values, knowledge, skills, actions, and competences linked to the environmental conservation of local rivers. The study therefore proves that the use of the RAP would be a valuable addition to EE projects and programs in elementary schools.
