Physical, chemical, and biological properties of soil under soybean cultivation and at an adjacent rainforest in Amazonia

  • Troy Patrick Beldini UFOPA
  • Raimundo Cosme OliveiraJunior Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, EMBRAPA, Brasil.
  • Michael Keller US Forest Service
  • Plinio Camargo CENA USP
  • Alessandra Damasceno Silva CEULS-ULBRA
  • Darlisson Bentes Santos CEULS/ULBRA
  • Daniel Rocha Oliveira CEULS/ULBRA
Palabras clave: land use change, microbial metabolic quotient, seasonality.


Land-use change in the Amazon basin has occurred at an accelerated pace during the last decade, and it is important that the effects induced by these changes on soil properties are better understood. This study investigated the chemical, physical, and biological properties of soil in a field under cultivation of soy and rice, and at an adjacent primary rain forest. Increases in soil bulk density, exchangeable cations and pH were observed in the soy field soil. In the primary forest, soil microbial biomass and basal respiration rates were higher, and the microbial community was metabolically more efficient. The sum of basal respiration across the A, AB and BA horizons on a mass per area basis ranged from 7.31 to 10.05 Mg CO2-C ha-1yr-1, thus yielding estimates for total soil respiration between 9.6 and 15.5 Mg CO2-C ha-1yr-1 across sites and seasons. These estimates are in good agreement with literature values for Amazonian ecosystems. The estimates of heterotrophic respiration made in this study help to further constrain the estimates of autotrophic soil respiration and will be useful for monitoring the effects of future land-use in Amazonian ecosystems.

Biografía del autor/a

Troy Patrick Beldini, UFOPA
Instituto de Biodiversidade e Floresta - UFOPA. Campus Tapajos. Rua vera Paz. Santarem-PA. CEP 68035-110
Raimundo Cosme OliveiraJunior, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, EMBRAPA, Brasil.
EMBRAPA AMAZÔNIA ORIENTAL - NAPT MA, Rua Vera Paz casa 01, Santarem-PA, CEP 68035-110
Michael Keller, US Forest Service
US Forest Service, atualmente Embrapa Monitoramento por Satelite, Campinas-SP.
Plinio Camargo, CENA USP
CENA-USP, Laboratorio de Isotopos, Piracicaba-SP.
Geoscience Department, University of Stkholm, Sweeden
Alessandra Damasceno Silva, CEULS-ULBRA
Professora MSc., CEULS/ULBRA. Santarem-PA. Av. Sergio Hein, 1787. CEP 68035-110
Darlisson Bentes Santos, CEULS/ULBRA
Eng. Agricola, MSc., CEULS/ULBRA. Av. Sergio Hein 1787, Santarem-PA. CEP 68035-110
Daniel Rocha Oliveira, CEULS/ULBRA
Professor MSc CEULS/ULBRA. Av. Sergio Hein, 1787. Santarem-PA. CEP 68035-110