Diagnosis and analysis of water quality and trophic state of Barra Bonita reservoir, SP

  • Giovanna Moreti Buzelli Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Marcela Bianchessi da Cunha-Santino Universidade Federal de São Carlos
Keywords: Barra Bonita reservoir, limnological monitoring, environment management, water quality index, trophic state index


As a consequence of the intensification of environmental degradation, we observed a decrease in water availability and a change in water quality. Therefore, the integrated management of watersheds is an issue of extreme importance. Limnological monitoring is an important tool for environmental management, providing information on the quality of inland waters and indicating the main factors responsible for the degradation of water resources. The Barra Bonita reservoir is located in the central region of São Paulo State, in the Superior Middle Tietê Basin, and the adjacent areas of the reservoir are subject to several human activities potentially impacting the environment. In this context, there is a need to determine the nature of negative human impacts on water resources. The present study aimed to analyze and diagnose the water quality of Barra Bonita reservoir using the water quality index (WQI) and the trophic state index (TSI). To this end, measurements of specific limnological variables were made in situ and laboratory and an analysis of data from CETESB annual reports was conducted. The results found that the waters of the reservoir were relatively healthy, but hyper eutrophic for the period from2007 to 2012, indicating the importance of environmental management for the restoration and preservation of natural resources in this region. The estimated indices and the land use map of adjacent areas of the Barra Bonita reservoir showed that agriculture was the largest category of land use and that it contributes directly to the degradation of water quality due to contamination by run-off from fertilizers.

Author Biographies

Giovanna Moreti Buzelli, Universidade Federal de São Carlos
Aluna de graduação do curso de Gestão e Análise Ambiental da UFSCar e bolsista FAPESP.
Marcela Bianchessi da Cunha-Santino, Universidade Federal de São Carlos
Professora do Departamento de Hidrobiologia da UFSCar, especialista em Limnologia e Monitormanto Ambiental.