Avanços na remoção biológica de nitrogênio das águas residuais: uma revisão

  • Andrea G. Capodaglio University of Pavia
  • Petr Hlavínek Brno University of Technology
  • Massimo Raboni University LIUC - Cattaneo
Palavras-chave: desnitrificação, remoção biológica de amônia, remoção de nitrogênio.


O artigo resume o estado da arte dos mais recentes avanços na remoção biológica de nitrogênio, incluindo os critérios para o cálculo do processo e as inovações tecnológicas. Em relação ao processo Ludzck Ettinger modificado (pré-desnitrificação, nitrificação, no sistema de lodo activados), o qual é amplamente utilizado na remoção biológica de nitrogênio, foi proposta uma nova equação para calcular o reactor de desnitrificação, com base na taxa de desnitrificação (SDNR-Specific Denitrification Rate). Além disso, foram analisados os fatores que influenciam o SDNR (oxigênio dissolvido no reator; comportamento hidrodinâmico do reator) e foram propostas as soluções tecnológicas. Quanto à evolução tecnológica, o artigo apresenta um resumo dos vários processos de remoção biológica de amônia, que são mais conhecidos com os nomes patenteados, tais como: ANAMMOX®, DEMON®, CANON®, ANITA® e outros. Estes processos já encontraram aplicações industriais no tratamento de águas residuais de alta concentração, tais como o licor de lodo digerido e o percolado de aterro sanitário. Entre as tecnologias emergentes de desnitrificação foram considerados os bioreatores com membranas (MBfR), os quais podem ser operados tanto na fase aeróbia quanto na fase anóxica.

Biografia do Autor

Andrea G. Capodaglio, University of Pavia
Associate Professor in Sanitary Engineering. He also holds a position as Adjunct Professor at Marquette University of Milwaukee (USA) and a fellowship from the Research Institute of Waters (IRSA) of the Italian National Research Council.
Petr Hlavínek, Brno University of Technology
Prof. Dr. Petr Hlavínek is a sanitary engineer with 30 years of professional experience in the field of wastewater collection and treatment. Professor Hlavinek lectures in wastewater collection and treatment at the Brno University of Technology. He has extensive supervisory experience, having supervised 14 PhDs to completion to date. He is a member of a number of professional organizations including the national committee of the International Water Association and Czech Wastewater Treatment Experts Association. Over the past 30 years, he has consulted with more than 300 municipalities in the Czech Rep. concerning sewerage and wastewater treatment. He is author of a number of papers in the field of wastewater collection and treatment. His experience also includes work as independent evaluator for the EC Directorate General Environment, as evaluating & monitoring agent for the Norwegian financial mechanism (environment sector), and as FIDIC engineer for ISPA and cohesion fund projects. Currently, he is director of EGAR (Environmental Geo Applied Research) research group at research center AdMaS (Advanced materials and Structures) at Brno University of Technology and has experience with many trans-national & EU-funded research projects, FP5 projects CARE-S & AQUAREC and FP6 projects AMEDEUS & MBR-train.
Massimo Raboni, University LIUC - Cattaneo
He earned his Master degree in Environmental Engineering in 2006 at the University of Pavia (Italy). In July 2010 he defended his PhD thesis in Civil Engineering on the “Numerical and experimental analysis of multiphysics phenomena” at the University of Pavia. The subjects dealt also with the analysis of two-phase flows and the oxygen mass transfer in activated sludge systems for wastewater treatment equipped with turbulent jets. Post-doc fellow at the: