Seasonal evaluation of the quality of surface waters of the Amazon River on the waterfront of Macapá City, Amapá, Brazil

  • Maria da Conceição Silva Damasceno Universidade do Estado do Para (UEPA)
  • Hebe Morganne Campos Ribeiro Universidade do Estado do Pará
  • Luís Roberto Takiyama Instituto de Pesquisas Científicas e Tecnológicas do Estado do Amapá
  • Manoel Tavares de Paula Universidade do Estado do Pará
Keywords: effluent, urbanization, sewage network, water resources, water supply


Water is essential to life on Earth and crucial for humanity, but multiple and complex human activities alter this resource. This study evaluated the physical-chemical and bacteriological water conditions of the Amazon River at the Macapa city waterfront in the State of Amapa. The study was conducted at three points in the section between the mouth of the Igarapé das Pedrinhas and the mouth of the Canal do Jandiá, considering the spatial and temporal variations in seasonal periods. Samples were collected for analysis of the following variables: turbidity, dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, total phosphorus, nitrate, total solids, biochemical oxygen demand, fecal coliform, and total nitrogen. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed on the data, to include the nonparametric statistical method of Kruskal-Wallis and the coefficient of variation. The results were evaluated individually and compared with the limits established by Resolution 357/2005 of the National Council for the Environment (CONAMA) using "class 2 for fresh water” as a reference. The Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) values and total phosphorus were not within the resolution threshold. The results of the Water Quality Index (WQI) indicated that during the less rainy and rainy period the water at the Macapa city waterfront was classified as "good" and "excellent", respectively, where the turbidity and BOD were predominant for the decrease in WQI during the less rainy season. It is concluded that in periods of low water flow the contribution of wastewater discharged near the water uptake station for public supply may deteriorate water quality and compromise the health of the population.

Author Biographies

Maria da Conceição Silva Damasceno, Universidade do Estado do Para (UEPA)
Student of the post - graduation course - level master -. In Environmental Sciences of the Pará State University is a member of the group Environmental Sciences UEPA. Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Amapá (1996). A specialization in Environmental Education. She is a professor of Amapá State Government.
Hebe Morganne Campos Ribeiro, Universidade do Estado do Pará
A master's degree in Geology and Geochemistry from the Federal University of Pará and PhD in Electrical Engineering with emphasis in Hydroelectric the Federal University of Pará, Brazil. Professor of Pará State University Holder which is crowded in the Department of Environmental Engineering, Master in Environmental Sciences, is Director of Development Research and Hydrocarbons Laboratory Coordinator of the Pará State University. He has experience in Chemistry, with emphasis on Trace Analysis and environmental Chemistry, acting on the following topics: the environment, water, contaminants, monitoring and quality.
Luís Roberto Takiyama, Instituto de Pesquisas Científicas e Tecnológicas do Estado do Amapá
Graduated in Chemical Technology from the State University of Campinas (1988), master's degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Delaware (1996) and PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Delaware (1998). He is currently professor of Macapa III and researcher of the Institute of Scientific and Technological Research of the State of Amapá. He has experience in Sanitary Engineering, Water Resources Management and Environmental Management in Coastal Areas, with emphasis on Air Quality, Soil and Water, acting on the following topics: coastal management, aquatic environments, water pollution.
Manoel Tavares de Paula, Universidade do Estado do Pará
Graduated in Agricultural Engineering from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of Pará (1990), master's degree in Agronomy (Tropical Plant Biology) from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of Pará (1998) and a PhD in Agricultural Sciences (Agroecosystems Amazon) by Amazon Federal Rural University (2008). Currently holds the position of Head of the Department of Natural Resources (DTRN) of the Center for Natural Science and Technology (CCNT) of the University of Pará, where he serves as Associate Professor I of undergraduate degree in Forestry and MSc in Environmental Sciences. Has experience in the area of Agricultural Sciences, acting on the following topics: Tropical Plant Biology, with emphasis on Agroecosystems