Constructed Wetlands Systems Batch: removal of Biochemical Oxygen Demand and pH regulation for treatment dairy effluent

  • Henrique Vieira de Mendonça Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
  • Celso Bandeira de Melo Ribeiro Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
  • Alisson Carraro Borges Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV)
  • Ronaldo Rocha Bastos Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
Keywords: buffering, efficiency, macrophytes


This work assessed the effectiveness of using constructed wetlands (CW's) to treat dairy effluent. The purpose of the research was to evaluate the influence of substrates and cultivated plants on the efficiency of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) removal and pH regulation in six experimental units operating at pilot scale. Six CW's for dairy sewage treatment were constructed in 100-liter High-Density Polyethylene Ethylene (HDPE) tanks. Three constructed wetlands containing fine gravel (0 mm) and another three with a mix of 20% sand and 80% fine gravel (0 mm) were used in the filtering stage. Four experimental units were planted with the macrophytes Typha dominguensis (cattail) and Hedychium coronarium (pond lily), the selected plants for this study, and two others were maintained as control units. A minimum average of 77.8% and a maximum of 95.2% BOD efficiency removal were achieved and a pH range of 5 to 9 was maintained as required by the Brazilian Resolution CONAMA N. 430 /2011 in order to release the effluent into a waterway. The six treatments showed similar removal of biodegradable carbonaceous compounds with no significant differences between the treatments at a 95% confidence level. This work showed that CW’s operating in batch can be used to treat dairy raw water for BOD removal and pH regulation.

Author Biographies

Henrique Vieira de Mendonça, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
Doutorando em Ecologia aplicada - Departamento de Ciências Biológicas - UFJF. Mestre em ecologia (UFJF). Engenheiro agrícola e ambiental (UFV). Biólogo (UNINCOR).
Celso Bandeira de Melo Ribeiro, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
Eng. Civil (UFJF), Doutor em Engenharia Agrícola (Recursos Hídricos) pela UFV. Prof. Adjunto II do Dep. de Eng. Sanitária e Ambiental da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Juiz de Fora-MG. Pesquisador na área de hidráulica e saneamento.
Alisson Carraro Borges, Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV)
Eng. Civil (UFOP), Doutor em Eng Hidráulica e Sanitaria (USP). Professor adjunto do Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental (UFV). Pesquisador na área de tratamento de resíduos agroindustriais e sanitários.
Ronaldo Rocha Bastos, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
Graduação em Engenharia Civil pela Faculdade de Engenharia da UFJF, mestrado em Engenharia de Produção - Planejamento em Transportes, pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, doutorado em Regional Planning - Liverpool University. Professor Associado do Dep. de Estatística da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF). Pesquisdor ná área de estatística e bioestatística.