Produção e utilização de biogás na Europa: um levantamento da situação atual e perspectivas

  • Massimo Raboni Politecnico di Milano - Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering "G.Natta" - Via L.Mancinelli 7, I-20133, Milan (Italy)
  • Giordano Urbini University of Insubria - Department of Biotechnologies and Life Sciences - Via G.B. Vico 46, I-21100, Varese (Italy)
Palavras-chave: gás natural, biocarburantes, energia renovável


O artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa realizada na União Europeia sobre a produção e utilização de biogás a partir das diferentes fontes. A União Europeia demonstra um papel de liderança mundial na área de biogás, com a sua produção de 10.085,8 ktoe ano-1 (em 2011) em termos de energia primária, respondendo por cerca de 60% da produção mundial. A Alemanha é o país europeu que tem feito os maiores progressos neste domínio, com uma produção tanto quanto 5.067,6 ktoe ano-1, dos quais uma parte de 4.414,2 ktoe ano-1 resulta dos processos de digestão anaeróbia (e co-digestão) de matrizes orgânicas selecionadas. O Reino Unido é o segundo maior produtor da Europa com uma quota de 1.764,8 ktoe ano-1, com 84% do biogás proveniente de aterros sanitários e o restante produzido em estações de tratamento de esgotos (digestão do lodo). Itália (1.095,7 ktoe ano-1) e França (349,6 ktoe ano-1) seguem na lista dos maiores produtores europeus de biogás. A tendência de produção de biogás, de acordo com as linhas de ação da UE, é caracterizada por um aumento progressivo na produção de biogás em plantas de digestão anaeróbica (e co-digestão) de matrizes orgânicas selecionadas e uma diminuição progressiva da produção de aterros sanitários, com uma estimativa de 28,0 Mtoe ano-1 a serem produzidos em 2020, de acordo com os Planos Nacionais de Energias renováveis da UE. Os usos do biogás são direcionados principalmente para a produção de eletricidade e calor. Há, no entanto, vários casos de conversão de biogás em biometano a ser injetado na rede de gás natural ou para ser usado diretamente como gás biocarburante em veículos. Esta tendência ocorre principalmente em alguns países do centro-norte da UE, que têm implementado uma política eficaz para promover o uso de biometano para transportes públicos e privados.

Biografia do Autor

Massimo Raboni, Politecnico di Milano - Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering "G.Natta" - Via L.Mancinelli 7, I-20133, Milan (Italy)
He earned his Master degree in Environmental Engineering in February 2006 at Pavia University, after the discussion of a thesis on the "Analysis of the fluid dynamic behaviour of a control valve using the numerical simulation”. In May 2006 he won a fellowship at the University of Pavia - Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Department - on a research project about the “Fluid dynamics characterization and modelling of oxygen dissolution in plants with activated sludge systems”. In July 2010 he defended his PhD thesis in Civil Engineering on “Numerical and experimental analysis of multiphysics phenomena” at University of Pavia. The subjects deal with: (i) the study of hepatic thermal ablation with RF wave and its control; (ii) the analysis of two-phase (water-oxygen) flows and the oxygen mass transfer in wastewater treatment plants equipped with turbulent jets. He won a 2-year of post-doc fellowship at the Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Department of the University of Pavia, where he deepened experimental techniques regarding the issued studied during the PhD programme. From November 2011 to October 2013 he was at the University of Insubria – Science and High Technology Department with a 2-year fellowship. From January, 2014 he is post-doc fellow at Politecnico di Milano at the Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering Department on the topic “Study and development of a electrocoagulation process for the removal of phosphates from freshwater”. Teaching assistant since 2006 in various courses (hydraulics, fluid mechanics, applied ecology, environmental impact assessment, occupational health and safety, relevant accidents and risk analysis).
Giordano Urbini, University of Insubria - Department of Biotechnologies and Life Sciences - Via G.B. Vico 46, I-21100, Varese (Italy)
He graduated in Chemical Engineering at the Polytechnic of Milan in 1969, where he trained as a Researcher at the Institute of Sanitary Engineering . He later worked at the University of Pavia where he was named Full Professor of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, since 1980. In 2002 he moved to the University of Insubria, with the aim of developing a core of research and teaching activities related to engineering. In particular, he found the degree course in "Engineering for Occupational Safety and Environment" (2003) and also the Department “Environment-Health-Safety "(2004), assuming the position of Director until 'year 2011. In the period 2005-2008 he worked as a Member of the Academic Senate of the University of Insubria. Currently he held at the University of Insubria the course of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering: process and plants and since a few weeks is member of a newborn department of Biotechnologies and Life Sciences. During his university career he has held prestigious positions among which the followings can be mentioned:  Member of the High Council of Public Works of Italian Government;  Member of the Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Environment;  Member of the Expert Group of the UNDP-United Nations Development Programme;  Point of reference for Italy of World Health Organization for the Environmental Health Professional sector;  President of ANDIS –the Italian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering. The main areas of research are wastewater treatment, waste disposal and biofuels. For the scientific expertise gained in the latter sector and environment, the Italian Government called him in the Intergovernmental Council for cooperation Italy-Brazil (Brasilia, November 2007) and called him to report at the intergovernmental meeting on strategic cooperation between Brazil and Italy organized by the Embassy of Italy (São Luis, in November 2008). During the academic career he has developed several cooperation projects for developing countries mainly in Brasil with funding of the Lombardia Region and Ministry of International Affairs of Italy. He has published over 260 papers on national and international scientific journals and conference proceedings.