Parameters of Horton's infiltration model obtained through the use of a rainfall simulator, Córdoba, Argentina

  • Juan Francisco Weber Laboratorio de Hidráulica, Dpto. de Ing. Civil, Fac. Córdoba, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
Keywords: experimental hydrology, hydrological measurements, urban hydrology


This study presents the results of a parameter fit of the Horton infiltration model at various sites in the city of Córdoba, Argentina. The work is based upon experimental data collected in field measurements of infiltration capacity. The study employed a portable rainfall simulator that was designed and built at the Hydraulics Laboratory, UTN – Facultad Córdoba. This equipment, which is completely detachable and defines a test plot of 1 m², can generate rainfall intensities which vary between 65 and 120 mm/h. Test site selection depended upon soil type and land use. Additionally, different initial moisture conditions were considered. The measured values were digitized and processed, and cumulative infiltration and infiltration rate curves were plotted. From these values, the parameters of Horton's model were adjusted. The quality of these parameters exceeded those of previous studies that used the double ring infiltrometer technique, and will be useful in urban hydrology design works. They represent an original contribution to knowledge of the hydrological response of urban soils in Córdoba. The proposal may be repeated elsewhere in order to expand its scientific significance.

Author Biography

Juan Francisco Weber, Laboratorio de Hidráulica, Dpto. de Ing. Civil, Fac. Córdoba, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
Jefe del Laboratorio de Hidráulica
Infiltración medida versus calculada por el modelo de Horton